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12 Free Coding Games to Learn Programming for Beginners

3 February 2024

A lot of beginners can become intimidated when they're learning how to code. But learning through coding games can be fun and educational.

Gamification in learning involves using game-based elements such as point scoring, peer competition, team work, and score tables to drive engagement, help students assimilate new information and test their knowledge.

Here is the complete list. Once you find a website that interests you, click that link and it will jump you down to a more detailed description of that website.


CodinGame is a site that helps you work on problem solving skills and learn programming basics through a turn-based game.

This platform supports over 25 different programming languages and gives players the opportunity to practice, learn, and compete in coding contests.

Once you create an account, you can get started with the beginner level onboarding section. You will be introduced to standard programming concepts and solve mini challenges.

CSS Diner

In CSS Diner, you can practice the basics of CSS through a series of 32 challenges. This is a good way to get more familiar with the language and have fun learning it. The first few challenges are short and focus on working with classes and ids. But as you progress through the levels, you will be introduced to Pseudo-selectors, First of Type Selector, Last of Type Selector, and the Universal Selector.

Flexbox Froggy

In Flexbox Froggy, you will learn CSS Flexbox by placing the frogs on the correct lillypads. By the time you finish level 24, you should feel comfortable using Flexbox in your next project. Each challenge provides a description on the Flexbox properties. The first few challenges start off easy but as you progress in the game things get more complicated.

Flexbox Defense

Flexbox Defense is a tower defense game that helps you strengthen your CSS skills. Position the towers to keep out your enemies using CSS Flexbox. The challenges will provide you with definitions of the Flexbox properties. Once you write your code, press the Start Wave button and see if you were successful in stopping your enemies.

Grid Garden

Learn CSS Grid by going through 28 levels of Grid Garden. Some familiarity with CSS Grid is encouraged but not required for getting started with the game. Each challenge provides a description on the CSS Grid properties. The first few challenges start off easy but as you progress in the game things get more complicated.


CodeCombat works well for both kids and adult learners. You can create a free account and learn the fundamentals of programming like loops, functions, conditionals, and variables. You can choose which programming language to start with and work your way through the games.

You also have the option to upgrade to the premium account if you are interested in having access to more levels.


MIT's Scratch is a block based programming language where you can learn about events, conditionals, variables, and more by building your own games and animations. Choose from dozens of sprites, sounds and backgrounds to code your own creations and start understanding programming basics.

Scratch is also used during the first week of Harvard's CS50: Introduction to Computer Science course.


#FreeCodingGames #LearnProgramming #Beginners

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