Remi Chauveau Notes
Is Apple Losing Its Innovative Edge

Is Apple Still Innovating in 2024? The wrong decisions, overpricing, no innovation & head-scratching decisions beg the question. Is Apple dying in 2024?

How to Google like a Pro

To get the right answers, you need to ask the right questions. And to get the right answers quickly, you must know how to ask the right questions.

What Is the Metaverse, Exactly?

To Hear Tech CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg or Satya Nadella talk about it, the metaverse is the future of the internet. Or it's a video game...

8 ways tech will change your life in 2024

From AI-generated misinformation to streaming getting a whole lot more complicated, buckle in for another fun 12 months of fast-moving technology.

6 Easy Ways to Watch YouTube Videos on a TV

Here's everything you need to know about watching YouTube on the big screen

20 Sustainable Building Materials for a Greener Future

As the world turns an eye toward sustainability, construction must follow suit. But what is sustainable construction and how does one transition into a more sustainable method of development?