Remi Chauveau Notes
How to Google like a Pro

To get the right answers, you need to ask the right questions. And to get the right answers quickly, you must know how to ask the right questions.

Why Are My Emails Not Sending and How to Fix it

Undelivered emails are frustrating. It’s hard enough to manage your deliverability strategy and focus on your engagement, but none of that is possible if your emails don’t make it to the inbox.

10 Ways to Make Your Phone Battery Last Longer

When you are serious about attracting customers, what is something great you can do?

How to Earn Money on YouTube

Do you want to make money from YouTube videos? While earning thousands of dollars off the bat probably isn't realistic for most people, you can start getting paid quickly, especially if you have a strong subscriber base.

6 Easy Ways to Watch YouTube Videos on a TV

The simplest way to watch YouTube on your TV without messing around with cables is to use the YouTube app on your smart TV. But what if your TV isn't "smart?"

What Is the Metaverse, Exactly?

Everything you never wanted to know about the future of talking about the future.

Did You Know?

Spam Mail was named after the canned meat, SPAM meat

In an episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus that aired in the 1970’s, patrons are seated in a restaurant enquiring about the day’s menu items. However, it appears that every dish includes at least a little Spam (i.e. ‘spiced ham’ from a tin). The more they enquire, the more spam appears in each dish. By the end of the sketch, a dish that previously featured ‘egg, bacon, sausage and Spam’ now only consists of ‘Spam, Spam, Spam and Spam’. In other words, Spam was taking over the menu, much the same as spam email messages can take over an inbox today. 😎

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